Fructo Oligosaccharide (FOS) Powder, 95%, White (Pet food ingredients)

฿ 535.00

( Price Included VAT7% )

  • Chemical name : Fructo Oligosaccharide
  • Form : Powder
  • Grade : Food
  • Origin : India
  • Shelf-Life : 24 months from manufacturing date
SIZE : Clear
SKU: EXP-FOS-2B Category:


Fructo Oligosaccharide Powder : This is a type of additive used in pet food. It appears as a white powder that is water-soluble. It consists of fructose sugars linked together in short chains, made up of molecular units ranging from 2 to 10 units. These are collectively referred to as Fructo-Oligosaccharides or FOS.

Fructo Oligosaccharides are categorized as prebiotics. A prebiotic is a substance that cannot be digested in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and pets, but can be broken down by beneficial microbes in the large intestine. This action promotes the growth of these beneficial microbes. It stimulates the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms in the large intestine, aids in the absorption of toxins and waste in the digestive tract, increases dietary fiber in the gastrointestinal system, and enhances the excretion process in pets.

Subject Description
Appearance White, free flowing powder
Taste Sweet without foreign tastes
Assay ≥95% Fructo – oligosaccharides (DP3 to DP 5)
≤5% Mono & disaccharides (DP1 to DP2)
Particle size 100% ≤ 420 μm
Moisture ≤5%
pH (10% solution w/w) 5-7.5
Ash content ≤0.1% (ROI)
Use / Dosage >คลิกเพื่อดูข้อมูล กรมปศุสัตว์
Applications Pet food ingredients
Storage Keep closed, Dry, Dark and Cool place
Shelf-Life 24 months after manufacturing date
Quality Assurance Under FDA standard of Heavy metals, Microorganism and Pesticides controlling
Safety Specification N/A
Product Note This product is a food ingredient, not instant food
Caution Notice N/A

How important is Fructo Oligosaccharide Powder for pets ?

  • Digestive System : FOS stimulates the growth of beneficial microbes in the intestine, which helps increase the population of good bacteria in the gut, inhibits the growth of disease-causing bacteria, and enhances nutrient absorption. This results in the pet’s digestive system working more efficiently. Additionally, it helps reduce issues like constipation, diarrhea, and hairball obstructions.
  • Digestion Process : The animal’s digestive system comprises several parts, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Food is broken down and nutrients are absorbed in this system. The large intestine, in particular, plays a role in absorbing water and minerals from digested food before excretion as feces. FOS is a water-soluble dietary fiber, meaning it dissolves in water and becomes liquid when it enters the intestine. FOS serves as food for beneficial microbes in the intestine, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. These microbes produce lactic acid and other organic acids, which help regulate the pH balance in the intestine, creating an environment conducive to the growth of beneficial microbes. The growth of these beneficial microbes in the intestine helps increase the amount of dietary fiber in the gut. This fiber helps absorb water, giving feces a suitable form and size, making the pet’s stool softer and easier to excrete. This, in turn, helps alleviate constipation and hairball obstructions.
  • Immune System : The immune system of pets serves to protect internal cells and organs from pathogens and diseases. FOS helps to boost the pets’ immune system in the following ways
    • Stimulate the production of white blood cells: FOS aids in stimulating the production of various essential white blood cells, such as lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells. These cells function to combat pathogens and cancerous cells. An increase in white blood cells makes them work more efficiently.
    • Stimulate the production of antioxidants : FOS assists in stimulating the production of antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene. These antioxidants protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals, naturally occurring compounds in pets’ cells and organs. Free radicals can damage and malfunction cells, potentially leading to various diseases in pets.
    • Enhance the functioning of beneficial gut bacteria : FOS acts as food for beneficial gut bacteria, like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. These bacteria produce antimicrobial substances and antioxidants, which further boost the immune system of pets, making them more effectively resistant to various diseases.
  • Reduce the risk of diseases : FOS can reduce the risk of certain diseases, like colon cancer, allergies, and skin diseases, through the following mechanisms:
    • Increase the quantity of beneficial gut bacteria, which suppresses the growth of disease-causing bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. These pathogenic bacteria can produce carcinogenic substances potentially leading to colon cancer in pets.
    • Aid in stimulating the function of beneficial gut bacteria, helping to balance the pet’s immune system. An improperly functioning immune system can lead to allergies, thus reducing the chances of developing allergies in pets.
    • Enhance the activity of beneficial gut bacteria that produce antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. These compounds protect the skin from damage and reduce inflammation, which is a cause of skin diseases in pets.


Product Safety and Warranty Information

  • The product is manufactured through a certified process by leading organizations and has certification for industry standards that can be referenced.
  • It has undergone food safety testing based on standards such as microbe and heavy metal testing, as well as contamination screening.
  • The product is a raw material for industrial use, not a finished product. Users must have the knowledge and appropriate tools for using the raw material.
  • The product is warranted according to the specifications, please refer to the terms and conditions for details.

Additional information

Weight N/A


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